In This Place

Essay 176 • Jul 31st 2017

Five years now, in this house. A place that holds many secrets. A place that will die with those secrets. A place where I almost gave up. A place to feel my skin grow. A place where I accepted that I will never be the one that got away. A place where I’ve plotted your moves. A place where I couldn’t look at you because it was a place you’d never know. A place where I’ve never loved you more. A place that lifts me. A place that knows my aches. This place where I know my womanhood as my work of art. This place heals me. This place is mine.





Kate Sweeney (b. 1987) is TPJ’s Photographer-In-Residence. Kate is a self-taught photographer whose work has been featured in Dazed, Refinery29, The Huffington Post, and Glamour Magazine. She currently lives and works in Columbus, Ohio, where she continues to make work that focuses on the human form, color, and our connection to nature.


Check out all of Kate’s TPJ photo essays:

Alayna at the Farm

Frances in the Field

Pink Ladies



A Sunday in Ridgewood

Kate x Vans Vision Walk

A Butterfly Underwater

A Night in Nashville





A Day at the Inn

In This Place

Kelsey x The Impossible Project

Butch & Femme

Color Therapy

24 Hours in Catalina, Part Two

24 Hours in Catalina, Part One





Kelsey x The Impossible Project

We Took the Cake