Where the Heart Is

Essay 481 • Jun 20th 2021

‘Where the Heart Is’ continues my exploration of our relationship with the concept of ‘home’. The pandemic and its subsequent lockdowns have taken a toll on us, impacted our intimate relationships. This series looks to encourage self-reflection for ourselves and how we feel about our homes, as it has become more than merely a place we rest in.

The series consists of portraits taken during two nationwide lockdowns, adding colour to the participants’ anecdotes. Among others, I asked everyone, “what does home mean to you?” The replies reveal people citing home as a place of safety and comfort, while others spoke about being at home affected their relationship. Most responses are transcripts taken from diary entry style voice notes, whilst others are text messages from the subjects. One subject replied by writing a letter to me as they pondered on home and its meaning in their lives.


Francis Augusto

I’m a photographic artist focusing on documenting humans and the everyday. Whether it’s a self-initiated project or a commission, I love to connect with my subjects and their experiences. I’m a late adapter, but my artwork is produced on a medium format film camera.

Driven by an enthusiasm for storytelling and connecting with people, my work explores the everyday human and their lives. My portraiture and documentary work best exemplify my love of people, where the mutual trust between photographer and subject is visible. It’s essential for me to either research the subject or spend time getting to know them. This interaction results in me making pictures that capture stories and the shared experiences that make us human.
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