Tiny Victories

Essay 276 • Apr 11th 2018

Tiny Victories is a series formed from one question: What do you love about yourself? I asked this on Valentine’s Day and received over 60 responses. The vulnerability in each writer’s words brought me to tears, and the bravery they showed by posting for all to see, inspired me.

I invited each participant to come together and be photographed in our self-love club, Tiny Victories. Some lived states away, some had prior obligations, but 13 strangers traveled to Elysian Park that day, and our connection was immediate.

We held hands, leaned on each other for support (literally), and posed Vogue-style against wooden ladders. Each woman hand wrote their self proclaimed admiration for themselves, which follows their portrait.

This series is titled ‘Tiny Victories’ for overcoming self-doubt and stoping whatever other negativity runs through our minds, one thought at a time. If we can do that, our opportunities are endless.


Natasha Wilson
Desert born and raised, fashion photographer Natasha Wilson has had a mutual passion for art & travel her entire life. Inspired by culture and each location’s color palette, she hopes her unique perspective flows vicariously through her photographs, and transports the viewer into a dream-like world. Her process usually includes painting her own hues over her images, reducing the color pallete to a cohesive blend of hues.

Website | Instagram

Stylist: June Suepunpuck

Cinematographer: Darrin Bush

BTS Photographer: Kelly Balch

Prop Stylist: Kelsey Balch

Fabric Designer: Stylish Fabric


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