Shanelle immediately intrigued me. Her keen fashion sense, deadly nails, boldness and expressiveness are the sorts of things I always enjoy photographing. Despite being a bit new to modeling, she, on a brisk February night, ventured around with me in the spirit of art and adventure. The deep hues of Chinatown's saturated neons, red-and-yellow window displays, strange alleys and ancient arcades were a joy to explore with her, and made for a perfect backdrop. After some initial funnies (and dumplings), Shanelle proved to be a natural on camera. These are the results!
Simon Chetrit is a 27 year old photographer, born and raised in New York, NY. Aspiring early in life to be a game designer, his life’s course quickly changed upon the purchase of his first serious camera. Ever since then, he has been obsessed with the visual language of photography, especially as it pertains to weird and obscure Japanese cameras and the ephemera of analog. Fresh off covering CPAC and NYFW, Simon lives and works in Brooklyn, NY.