
Essay 297 • Jun 8th 2018

Florian Wowretzko’s collection picks up on the DNA of catholic tradition and accentuates with elements of contemporary art.
The Latin word 'Passio' describes the suffering of Jesus before the crucifixion. On the other hand, in the German language "Leidenschaft” is to create something new out of suffering. The question arises in this age where modernization and social media are forcing us to be comfortable, "How much do we sacrifice and when do we give up?” This story takes those themes elementally and explores just how that may look through the combined eyes of photographer Marcus Branch and designer Florian Wowretzko.


Marcus Branch, born 1991 in Philadelphia, is a true renaissance man. Branch graduated from the University of the Arts in 2014 with a BFA in Photography, but doesn’t limit his creative explorations and expressions to just that; A rehearsal director & principal dancer in a dance company, an educator in high-school-level visual communications, a filmmaker & an internationally published model, Branch is a dreamer, achiever, and apparently a juggler. Branch’s work aims to celebrate people of color, encourage diversity, and to contribute a positive perspective of the often misrepresented. Honorably deemed by Polaroid as one of the “ New Originals of Instant Photography”, Branch strives to make an impact and expand his reach.

Website | Instagram

Designed by Florian Wowretzko

Model Malyck Bryan