Nya in the Pool

Essay 375 • Mar 14th 2019

There is no underestimating importance of personal work, taking the time to shoot something just for yourself. No matter where you are in your career, in your artistic journey, carving out a space for something that is yours alone helps recharge the batteries, expands your perspective, and reminds you why you do it all in the first place.


JUCO represents the collaborative work of Julia Galdo and Cody Cloud. They first met at The San Francisco Art Institute in 2002 where Cody received his MFA in photography and Julia her BFA. Their first projects together were actually class assignments. Team JUCO is based in Los Angeles, CA. They enjoy plants (on many levels), thrift stores (deeply) and the beach (when the time is right).
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Model: Nyadhuor Deng
Make-up: Tami Shirey
Hair: Marco Minunno
Styling: Jessica Loria