
Essay 347 • Oct 25th 2018

In the past I haven’t been too into fantasy- I started working in photography as a photojournalist. Like many, I wanted to pursue journalism under the broad premise of helping others. I realized that probably wasn’t my place, but I could do that in different ways. Maybe by engaging my community in something creative, I could open a space for healing. World building, fantasizing, experimenting with expression - my hope is we can find it therapeutic.

The way I went about this collection was, for the most part, asking someone to envision a character we could illustrate, and working together to make it happen. And that landed anywhere on the scale of creating someone surreal, to being particularly aware of the aspects of self you’re sharing.

There is a mysticism that envelops everything, all the time. That being said, these photos aren’t necessarily about fantasy. They are about fullness. My understanding of mythology is the lure of something, someone, that is fully saturated by its inner world. I hope these photos take you under.


Audrey Gatewood is a 23 year-old photographer and filmmaker born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland.
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