Mosquito Kingdom

Essay 569 • Sep 29th 2024

I took these photos this summer, in a period of inconsistent health while treating a chronic illness. Just a year ago, I was essentially bed-bound with ME/CFS, an illness that presents as debilitating fatigue, brain fog, POTS, and a whole raft of other symptoms. While I’ve practically recovered, thanks to an anti-viral regimen, there’s no cure for the illness, and stress and anxiety can still trigger crashes.

These photographs represent a period of both frustration with the limits still imposed on me by the illness and also profound gratitude. I was pushing myself artistically, exploring odd places, and having an incredible amount of fun. These photos aren’t “about” anything, but I hope they convey a sense of curiosity, exploration, and the magic I’ve felt re-entering the life I want to be living.


Gardner Mounce is a photographer, writer, and visual artist living in Memphis, Tennessee with his wife and pets. He makes his photos with the Canon RF mirrorless system. His photographic process involves lighting each scene with flashes, colored gels, high-powered laser pointers, and LED flashlights rather than relying on post-processing techniques. While he does use Lightroom and Photoshop to edit, in almost all cases the lighting and coloring work is accomplished in person. In 2022, he was diagnosed with the chronic illness ME/CFS, which he continues to treat. He works as the creative head of an enthusiast product company based in the Bay Area.
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