
Essay 397 • Jul 8th 2019

It was strange being at Szechenyi in winter, visiting the Bath Terms at Budapest. It felt like a place frozen in time. Humans enjoying the hot and cold, most of them "third age" people. Catching a ray of sun, floating in the water, sharing with friends, just levitating. I got in with my camera, changed film beside the pool, no one noticed. The relaxing feeling was contagious, and it was amazing to be part of.


Barbara Arcuschin was orn in Buenos Aires in 1985, and is a self-taught visual artist. She took some lessons from photographers Guillermo Ueno, Fabiana Barreda, and Alberto Goldenstein’s workshop. She started working as a fashion stylist at Elle Argentina with renowned editor Ana Torrejón and, from then on, she contributed to different publications and several prestigious labels of international magazines.
As time went by, her professional life began to lean towards photography and audio-visual documentation. In 2009 she had her first solo show at Miau Miau Gallery, after which she took part in a group show at Mite Gallery and at No Found Photo Fair (Paris) with Rea Gallery. In June 2013, she launched her first zine, published by Santa Rosa Editora and entitled Rayos y Centellas.
Her photos also hung from Ruby Gallery’s walls in 2014, and in 2015 she had a celebrated solo show at Otero Gallery.
She currently lives and works in Buenos Aires. She have done freelance styling and audio-visual projects for brands like Harper’s Bazaar, and has attended the artists’ program at Torcuato Di Tella University.
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