LA Winter

Essay 520 • Feb 16th 2023

When you get access to a snow gotta have yourself a photo shoot.


Briana Edwards is a commercial and editorial photographer specializing in portrait, corporate, event, and architectural projects. She brings a colorful energy on set, and makes laughter and good music a priority when she works. She is dedicated to crafting stunning visuals, fostering relationships with other creatives and having a great time doing what she loves. Behind the scenes, you’ll find her buried in a good book, cheering on her boys at Dodgers Stadium, or stoking the flames of a fierce taco rivalry with her close friend, Matt.
Website | Instagram

Lou Noble was born, lives, and will one day die in Los Angeles. He is the Editor-In-Chief of The Photographic Journal.

Model: Kayla Bryant
Snow Machine Operator/Photo-assist: Paige Mauriello
Snow Machine Provided byToggle Production Solutions