For Palestine

Essay 558 • Jun 17th 2024

Last October, I began seeing several "we stand with Israel" posts on Instagram from people I know and celebrities alike. Fewer and farther between, there were organizations I follow, such as the Black Queer Intersectional Collective, that were amplifying support for Palestinians. Until this point, I regrettably knew nothing about the history of Israel and Palestine.

This was the catalyst that began opening my eyes to the cruel injustices happening to the people of Palestine. It didn't take long for my timeline to be flooded with horrific images and videos of the sheer brutality in Gaza. The truth of the Israeli Occupation was finally revealed for everyone to see who was willing to look, thanks to heroes such as Bisan, Motaz and Plestia.

I was compelled to go to the protests for Palestine for the same reason as Black Lives Matter and Trans rights: I believe everyone deserves human rights and no one should be oppressed.

When I am there I try to catch the hope, resilience and conviction of the Palestinian people and their tireless fight. Their strength is undeniable. Despite the ongoing, never-ending injustices, these spaces are so filled with positive energy, love and community.

To stand with Palestine is to stand with humanity.

Free Palestine.
Free Congo.
Free Sudan.
Free every oppressed person.

let these images speak.


Erin Fish is a photographer located in Columbus, Ohio. she loves taking portraits because she believes that the connection forged through the lens is profound. Portraiture allows her to celebrate the beauty, diversity and uniqueness in every person, and she relishes in creating. with each image, Erin’s goal is to evoke genuine emotion in both the subject and the viewer.

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