Flowers or Fruit

Essay 421 • Jan 9th 2020

Ever since I first picked up a camera, it’s always been about connection. The more personal my work gets, the more I dig deeper for meaningful connections.

I’ve always loved creating themes, searching for big ideas. Sometimes they’re easy to find, other times it's a process. But experimentation is always a part of it. That’s how I keep everything fresh, exciting, and unknown.

This shoot—which happened in three parts—is an extension of my last two photo essays, which focused on utilizing my surroundings. I love creating a range with my subjects, and this was no exception. Abigail brought a playful enthusiasm everywhere we went.

I’m honored to be The Photographic Journal’s photographer-in-residence for 2020. Here's to the journey ahead.


Jason Travis is a photographer, designer, illustrator, and musician based in Los Angeles. His work has been featured by CNN, USA Today, Gizmodo, BuzzFeed, BOOOOOOOM, and many more. He’s allergic to cats, carrots, and will forever love the 90s. He is currently TPJ’s Photographer-in-Residence.
Website | Instagram

Model: Abigail VanSteenberghe
Style Teammate: Bliss Katherine

Check out Jason’s other TPJ photo essays:
Suburban Youth
Mind Glow
Vanished Spirits
Ellissa & Harry
Alley Cat