Essay 499 • Jun 5th 2022

‘FEELINGS’ is a movement, channeled by self expression and captured through mixed media in Los Angeles, CA. Each person in this group was hand selected for their individuality, and the inspiration they invoke, in person, and online.

There are so many moments of heaviness and discontent being recorded and amplified right now — freedom of self expression, joy, empathy, and connection through every race, gender, body type, sexual orientation, etc can express the ways we want to be and not just the ways we don’t want to be.

These moments and these FEELINGS exist not only in the modern age, but historically as well, and capturing them continues the documentation of the myriad of human experience. Cheers to this generation, the next, and the next.


Natasha Wilson
Desert born and raised, fashion photographer Natasha Wilson has had a mutual passion for art & travel her entire life. Inspired by culture and each location’s color palette, she hopes her unique perspective flows vicariously through her photographs, and transports the viewer into a dream-like world. Her process usually includes painting her own hues over her images, reducing the color pallete to a cohesive blend of hues.
Website | Instagram


Stylist: Angel Talian
Clothing by: JimmyPaul, Wear The Future
Video: James Bianchi

Kai Smith
Seema Hari
Maeve Sullivan
Hana Addams
Ayla Folole
Maia Saavedra
Simon Paris
Nirav Nirvaan Mehta
Lucas Serventi