
Essay 463 • Sep 14th 2020

“Eruption” is the collaborative result of months of accumulated creative frustration. a team that, like the rest of society, has been challenged to mentally and physically navigate the current reshaping of our routines and surroundings - congregating to exhibit the eruption of our thoughts & emotions. we rejoice in coming together to share a reflection of the time we have had individually to consider.


My name is Junell Tanio, an aspiring photographer based in Cleveland, Ohio. I was born in the Philippines and migrated to America 7 years ago. Growing up in an Asian family, being an artist wasn’t really an option – you either have be a doctor, nurse or any job that has a typical fancy title. I graduated and got a degree in nursing, eventually, to follow what my family wanted – but now I’m pursuing my dream and that is photography. My work is mostly inspired by diversity, fashion and portraits of people that uniquely tell a story.

Stylist: Mattey
Model: Larry Belcher Jr.