
Essay 547 • Mar 17th 2024

The concept for this session came from the tertiary moments that define a decisive action; the inevitable in-betweens or waiting period between all things. Like waiting at the wrong stop for a bus that never comes, this feeling of immobility often immediately precedes significant life change, radical upheaval, and a restructuring of the notions we hold for our own lives.

The styling is a mixture of found vintage and pieces constructed specifically for the shoot. We focused very purposefully on color story as well, to emphasize the theme.


David Powers is a photographer for new and emerging brands + faces that are real, raw, and a little nostalgic. Whether shooting for Fortune 50’s or mom-and-pop-shops, the approach remains the same: documenting with honesty, integrity, and curiosity.
Website | Instagram

Model: Becca Esopenko
Styling: Alison Leah
HMUA: Lauren Alex