Block 6

Essay 349 • Nov 1st 2018

This past March, I visited Saint Lucia for the first time. What I found there inspired me to return a few short months later. Through the friendships made with a group of locals, I gained access to a vibrant community's everyday lives. Saint Lucia reminds me of a time before we became obsessed with technology and social media. Everything moves at a more relaxed pace, and the emphasis is on spending time with each other, in real life.

This is the story of the boys of Block 6, a group of young men who all grew up in the same neighborhood. Each day after work they
congregate at the local corner store: to drink, smoke, play cards and “cool out”. Evenings and weekends consist of watching cockfights, a naturally divisive activity (by our standards). Nevertheless, they were fascinating to bear witness to as they are ingrained in the culture. Ultimately, I consider these photos a love letter to a place and a group of people I have come to hold very dear: an island with a lot of grit, heart, and humanity. A place where the emphasis is on community and conviviality, even towards newcomers such as myself.



Chris Scheurich is a born and bred New Orleanian with a focus on fashion and documentary photography. He first became enamored with life behind the lens as a young child, watching his father, cultural photographer Jim Scheurich, document the fascinating characters who populate this unique city.
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