Alma Antigua

Essay 581 • Mar 16th 2025

I spent the month of January in Guatemala for Spanish school and had the chance to explore the city of Antigua and a few pockets beyond its edges. The city itself is incredibly vibrant—yellow churches, pastel blues, deep sienna-red houses, and winding cobblestone streets. Scattered throughout are the ruins of churches, remnants of the earthquakes in the 1700s. Many of them have found new life as breathtaking wedding venues, where golden hour light pours into vaulted ceilings and spills across the rubble below.

I’ve never been to a city where meeting people as a solo traveler felt so effortless. I may have stood out a bit with my red hair and pale skin, which led to a few curious conversations with locals asking where I was from. I met everyone—from older expats to young local artists and entrepreneurs—who generously shared their favorite corners of Antigua and introduced me to hidden gems just outside the city.

Having a full month gave me time to pin my favorite places, scope out how easy they’d be to shoot (permits, people, light, etc.), and plan outfits to match each location. At the end of the month, my good friend and incredible model, NamuZeyi, flew in to explore the city and shoot with me.

My favorite place was El Pilar, a quiet farm with a public pool on the outskirts of town. The water flows directly from the mountains—icy cold and ever-moving. The stark contrast of blues and whites caught my eye the first time I visited, and I knew I had to plan a shoot there.

The second place was north of the city, in the steep mountain town of El Hato. There’s a massive hammock that can hold about 20 people and offers a panoramic view of Antigua below. About 15 minutes further up the road is a well-known (viral, if you will) bed and breakfast called Hobbitenango. You can stay there if you book nearly a year in advance, but day visitors can still wander the dreamlike lands above the clouds. It feels like you’ve stepped into Lord of the Rings. A giant cement hand juts from the hillside, and that’s where I shot some of my favorite photos.

Back in Antigua, I knew I wanted to shoot in the ruins the city is known for. One of them just happened to be a couple blocks from my school—I passed it every day on my quad. Many of the other ruins have been cleaned and restored to become wedding destinations, which, while beautiful, makes it harder to feel the true impact of the earthquakes. But this one felt untouched. Raw. As if the walls had been left just as they fell in the 1700s. You have to climb around a bit to find steady footing, but both Zeyi and I love a challenge when it comes to shooting.

And then there was Anzan Atitlán—a tiny lakefront bed and breakfast introduced to me by a close friend. It has one of the most stunning views I’ve seen in all my travels. The washed rose-colored walls sit near the turquoise lake, surrounded entirely by mountains. When we arrived at the dock, we were greeted by Dita, the owner, along with her three great danes and her 20-year-old parrot, Victoria. Fingers crossed, I’ll be holding a photography retreat there this coming November. The surrounding towns each have their own stories, and you can visit them by skipper boats that take 10 to 15 minutes from one to the next.

Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect when I first arrived in Guatemala, but now I know it’s a place I hope to return to often. There are infinite colorful and unique places to explore—and just as many fascinating locals and expats with stories and perspectives worth hearing. I highly recommend a trip to this magical place. I still have at least 20 more spots on my Guatemala wishlist—and I know that list will only continue to grow.

I hope these images offer a glimpse into some of my favorite corners of Guatemala—and maybe even spark a little inspiration to visit this incredible place yourself.


Natasha Wilson
Desert born and raised, fashion photographer Natasha Wilson has had a mutual passion for art & travel her entire life. Inspired by culture and each location’s color palette, she hopes her unique perspective flows vicariously through her photographs, and transports the viewer into a dream-like world. Her process usually includes painting her own hues over her images, reducing the color pallete to a cohesive blend of hues.
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Model: NamuZeyi Moise