Arcadia at Sea

Essay 546 • Mar 10th 2024

The motivations behind my setting up a photo session usually come down to the simplest of ideas. "Let's use a trampoline." "Let's take pictures while hanging out of a moving car." "Let's use this $35 Chinese night light I found on Amazon."

For this day, this session, I wanted to be on a boat. That's it. Let all the inspiration come from the simple fact we're on a boat as it bobs in the ocean, catches wind in its sail. Let me find the composition and the mood as we turn round and round to capture the sun as it peeks out of the clouds.

It was perfect.

Lou Noble was born, lives, and will one day die in Los Angeles. He is the Editor-In-Chief of The Photographic Journal.

Model: Marley Betty
Boat provided by Paige Mauriello