
Essay 174 • Jul 26th 2017

The “Whites of their Eyes” video was filmed in Georgia and California in April 2017. The crew consisted of me, Mattiel, and a very cooperative horse named Webster. For several years, Mattiel and I worked together on a design team in Atlanta, collaborating on a wide range of projects. Nowadays, we often rely on each other for feedback on our own creative endeavors, even though we live many miles apart. I’m very proud of this collaboration, as it's filled with colorful, exciting visuals that perfectly embody her unique voice and talent.

This essay features all kinds of fun moments from the video shoot and beyond. Some for promotional purposes, some for documentation, some for the sake of experimentation and, best of all, some that are just for fun. It runs the gamut: from standing on a horse to being covered in glitter paint to getting pelted with eggs. I look forward to our next shoot—wherever it may lead us!

Jason Travis is a photographer, designer, illustrator, and musician based in Los Angeles. His work has been featured by CNN, USA Today, Gizmodo, BuzzFeed, BOOOOOOOM, and many more. He’s allergic to cats, carrots, and will forever love the 90s.

Model: Mattiel Brown

Check out Jason’s previous TPJ photo essays:

Suburban Youth


Mind Glow