Aching for Purity

Essay 21 • Feb 4th 2016

Nude self-portraiture in an unknown wilderness is vulnerability at its finest. The very act of photographing my intimate reality and my own body has been an arduous and often unrewarding endeavor. I set out on this trip to Costa Rica with my lover not only to indulge myself in a brief reprieve from everyday life but even more so to explore a burgeoning part of my artistic self—the part that can make photos that say not what I want them to say, but what they must say. I am engaged in a furious but gentle process of shattering my own psychic walls—I am aching for purity. My camera and my intuition guide me—I fumble more often than I succeed, but I am no longer keeping tabs. 

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday

The Photographic Journal | Essay 029: Aching for Purity by Edie Sunday


Edie Sunday is a young female collector of feelings residing in Austin, TX. She makes photos to capture the essence of humanness and the complexities of experience. She is working toward her PhD in counseling psychology and reads far more than she speaks.