“The Boys of Myanmar” serves as an inside look into the experiences of childhood which are shared not only across generations but across socioeconomic and cultural differences as well. Through these photographs I aim to portray the daily life of ten boys living in rural Myanmar - a country that is experiencing rapid development, political strife, and is taking an ever more important position on the world stage. Having grown up in a small town in the midwestern United States, my neighborhood was my kingdom - and for these boys, their home in a rural farming village is their kingdom. I hope to provide a glimpse into their lives, to show that despite all the things that we may not share - be it cultural, economic, political - that we do all share the same sense of excitement, adventure, and curiosity that makes being a child so beautiful.
Robb Klassen grew up in a small town in the southeastern countryside of Iowa. After attending Brooks Institute of Photography, he has continued to develop a career as a freelance photographer in California specializing in marketing and photojournalism.